No. 18489

Act N(). 73, 1997


Accounting oficer
14. ( 1 ) In addition to the other functions entrusted to the chief executive officer by or
under this Act, he or she shall be the accounting officer charged with the responsibility
of accounting for all money received and the utilisation thereof and be responsible for
the property of the Foundation.
(2) (u) The accounting officer may—
(i) delegate to an employee of the Foundation a power conferred upon the
accounting officer by or under this Act;
(ii) authorise such employee to perform a duty assigned by or under this Act to the
accounting officer.
(b) A delegation under paragraph (a) shall not prohibit the exercise of the power in
question or the performance of the duty in question by the accounting officer.
Staff and conditions of service
15. ( I ) (u) The Council ma~. subject to paragraph (b) and on such conditions as it may
determine. appoint such number of employees as it deems necessary to enable the
Foundation to perform its functions.
(b) The Foundation shall out of its own funds pay to its employees such remuneration,
allowances. subsidies and other benefits as the Council may determine in accordance
with a system approved for that purpose by the Minister with the concurrence of the
Minister of Finance.
(c) The Council may. on such conditions as it may deem fit and if the employee
consents thereto. second an employee, either for a particular task or for a period of time,
to the service of a department of State, an organisation or institute in the Republic on
condition that such employee’s rights. privileges and benefits by virtue of his or her
conditions of service as an employee of the Foundation are not adversely affected by
such secondment.
(~) The Councl] may on such conditions and against such security as may be
prescribed by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance—
(a) lend money to an employee. or provide collateral security, including
guarantees, to a registered financial institution in respect of a loan granted to
an employee by that financial institution, to enable such employee to acquire,
improve or enlarge immovable property for residential purposes;
(b) lend money to an employee to enable him or her to become a member of a
pension fund approved by the Council or to have a break in service on account
of approved leave without full pay reckoned as pensionable service.






16. ( 1 ) The funds of the Foundation shall consist of—
(a) mone~ appropriated by Parliament to finance the functions of the Council;
(b) money paid to the Council by users of its services;
(c) donations or contributions received from any source;
(d) interest on investments;
(e) money in the Funds established by section 18: and
(f) income derived under this Act from any other source.
(~) (a) The Foundation shall utilise its funds to defray expenses in connection with the
performance of its functions: Provided that at least 75 per cent of the funds contemplated 45
in subsection ( 1 )(a) shall be distributed as grants in support of the film and video
industry. unless otherwise approved by the Minister.
(b) The Foundation shall utilise any money contemplated in subsection (1 )(a) in
accordance with the statement of its estimated income and expenditure referred to in
subsection (3), as approved by the Minister: Provided that, subject to paragraph (a), the 50
Foundation may utilise any amount or portion of any amount required to be so utilised
for a particular purpose in connection with a specified matter, for any other purpose in
connection with such matter: Provided further that the Foundation may with the
approval of the Minister utilise any balance of such money remaining at the end of the

Select target paragraph3