Act No. 73.1997


(a) if that person is an unrehabilitated insolvent;
(b) if that person has been convicted of an offence and in respect thereof
sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine: or
(c) unless that person is a South African citizen permanently resident in the
(3) A member of the Council shall vacate office if he or she—
(a) becomes disqualified in terms of this section from being appointed as a
member of the Council;
(b) is according to law detained as a mentally ill person;
(c) has, witho~t the leave of the Council, been ~bsent from three consecutive 10
meetings of the Council;
(d) is removed from office as contemplated in section 6(6); or
(e) resigns by written notice addressed to the Minister.
Meetings of Council
8. ( 1 ) The Council shall meet at least four times a year, and meetings shall be held at 15
such times and places as the Council may determine.
(2) The chairperson may at any time convene a special meeting of the Council, which
shall be held at such tim”e and place as the chairperson may direct.
(3) A quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be a majority of its members.
(4) Any decision of the Council shall be taken by resolution of the majority of the 20
members present at any meeting of the Council. and. in the event of an equality of votes
on any matter. the person presiding at the meeting in question shall have a casting vote
in addition to his or her deliberative vote as a member of the Council.
(5) A member of the Council shall not vote or in any manner participate in the
proceedings at any meeting of the Council nor be present at the venue where such a ‘)5
meeting is held, if. in relation to any matter before the Council, he or she has any interest
which precludes him or her from performing his or her functions as a member of the
Council in a fair. unbiased and proper manner.
Executive committee
9. (1) The Council shall establish an executive committee—
(a) which shall consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson and such other
members of the Council as the Council may determine, but which shall not
exceed 25 per cent of the Council’s total membership at the time; and
(b) which shall, subject to the direction of the Council. exercise the powers and
perform the duties conferred or imposed upon the Council by or under this 35
(2) The chairperson of the Council shall be the chairperson of the executive
(3) (a) The executive committee shall meet at such times and places as the chairperson
of that committee may direct.
(b) A quorum for a meeting of the executive committee shall be the majority of its

Committees of Council
10. (1) The Council may nominate one or more committees, which may, subject to the
instructions of the Council, perform such functions of the Council as the Council may 45
(~) A committee refereed to in subsection ( 1 ) sh~l Consist of such number of members
of the Council and employees of the Foundation, if any, as the Council may deem
necessary, and the Council may at any time dissolve or reconstitute such committee.
(3) If a committee consists of more than one member, the Council shall designate a 50
member of the committee to be the chairperson thereof.
(4) The Council shall pay a member of a committee who is not an employee of the
Foundation such remuneration and allowances as the Minister may determine with the
concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
(5) The Council shall not be absolved from the performance of any function entrusted 55
to any committee of the Council in terms of this section.

Select target paragraph3