Article 13
Any infringement of the provisions of Article 8.1 above shall be punishable by a fine of
DHS2,000 to DHS5,000.
Article 14
Any infringement of the provisions of Article 8.2 above shall be punishable in accordance
with the provisions of Articles 575 to 579 of the Penal Code.
Article 15
Subject to any sanctions which may be pronounced by the court, the Director of the Moroccan
Cinematographic Center may order the provisional seizure of the unlawfully exploited
videograms and apparatus as well as the provisional withdrawal of the authorization issued to
the firm in question.
Article 16
Infringements of the provisions of this Law shall be noted by the officials of the Moroccan
Cinematographic Center, sworn in on the conditions provided for by the legislation in force
and commissioned to this end by the Director of the Center.
Article 17
The competent supervisory officials of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center may proceed,
once they have noted infringements of the provisions of Articles 1, 8 and 11 above, with the
seizure of videograms and the materials and apparatus used for their reproduction or showing.
To this end, they shall draw up a detailed report, a copy of which shall be provided to the
person concerned against a receipt.
Article 18
The proceeds from the fines and seizures referred to under the previous Articles shall be
allocated to the general State budget.
Article 19
The provisions of this Law shall apply to any person running, administering or exploiting an
activity of production, edition, reproduction, distribution, sale or rental of videograms, as well
as all those who are a party to the infringements or have deliberately abetted them.
Any person concerned, in particular the Director of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center,
may denounce to the Public Prosecutor the acts referred to in Articles 9 to 14 of this Law and
may, where applicable, file a civil action in a criminal proceeding.
The Director of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center may forward to the professional
organizations concerned copies of the reports drawn up by the sworn agents of said Center.

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