The strategy of Vision 2030 is to undertake reforms in eight key sectors that form the foundation of
society for socio-political and economic growth: Infrastructure, ICT, Energy, Science, Technology and
Innovation (STI), Land Reform, Labour and Employment, National Values and Ethics, Public Sector
Reforms, Ending Drought Emergencies and Security and Peace Building and Conflict Resolution.
In the Medium Term Plan II 2013-2017 of the Vision, six priority sectors that make up the larger part
of Kenya’s GDP (57%) and provide for nearly half of the total formal employment that were targeted
are: Tourism, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Wholesale and retail trade, Manufacturing, IT
enabled services (previously known as business process off-shoring), Financial services, and Oil and
Information Communication and Technology is identified as enabler or foundation for socio economic
transformation. The vision recognizes the role of Science, Technology and Innovation in modern
economy in which new knowledge plays a central role in boosting wealth creation, social welfare and
international competiveness. This will be done through the following ways:- economic and
institutional regime that utilises existing knowledge; creation of new knowledge
entrepreneurship; educated and skilled population; dynamic information and communication
infrastructure that facilitate processing and dissemination; and effective innovation system and


Rationale for Policy Review

The review of the ICT policy 2006 has been necessitated by changes in ICT that have taken place since
2006. The current ICT policy was developed in 2006 when the ICT’s were at infant stages of
development in Kenya. Since then a lot of new developments have taken place in the field of ICT
especially convergence of ICT technologies hence the need for the review of the ICT Policy 2006 to
keep it ablest with the current ICT technology.


Guiding Principles of the National ICT Policy

4.3.1 Constitutional Principles and Values
Uphold the Constitution of Kenya, respect essential values of human rights, equality, freedom,
democracy, social justice and the rule of law.
4.3.2 Technology and Convergence
Keep pace with change in technology, broadband capacity, interconnectivity, regulation, competition
and Innovation.
4.3.3 Universal Service
Universal Service with reasonable and equitable access to all electronic communication services at an
affordable cost.
4.3.4 Open Access
Regulatory intervention should wherever possible be based on open access principles to ensure
maximised, efficient and fully-leveraged use of available infrastructure and services, through
encouraging infrastructure sharing, spectrum re-farming, optimal interconnection, balanced with the
need for fair returns on investment.


Select target paragraph3