
information to better shape policies, strategic plans and tactical decisions for developing
education and vocational training in Kenya;
To foster interest among Kenyan academia sectors to conduct research and development
activities related to ICT;
Incentivize industry with ICT specialization to conduct their own training programmes and to
contribute to institutional training programmes;
Creating an environment that is conducive to foreign skills and skilled returning diaspora to
come to Kenya and add capacity.

16.2.1 Strategies
The realization of the policy objectives will depend on the availability and adequacy of skilled human
resource capacity. The Government will support the creation of the necessary capacity by:



Integrating IT subjects in the curriculum at all levels of education;
Establishing educational networks for sharing educational resources and promoting e-learning
at all levels;
Facilitate Public Private Partnerships to mobilize resources in order to support e-learning
Promote the development of integrated e-learning curriculum to support ICT in education;
Promote distance education and virtual institutions, particularly in higher education and
Facilitate sharing of e-learning resources between institutions;
Exploit e-learning opportunities to offer Kenyan education programmes for export; and
Integrate e-learning resources with other existing resources.
Encouraging the establishment of ICT Centres of Excellence;
Encouraging and supporting ICT training for decision makers, community and civil society
Creating opportunities and providing assistance for the disadvantaged, people with special
needs, women and the youth to acquire IT skills; and
Enhancing capacity for research and development in ICT.
Introducing incentives and measures to improve the training in the broadcasting and media
to ensure qualitative and quantitative growth of the broadcasting sector.
Encouraging national professional bodies for media practitioners to participate in setting
standards in broadcasting. Also encourage media training institutions to provide structured
specialized programmes that cater for people with talent for creative writing, film production,
animation creative and technical aspects of broadcasting
Engaging of women, youth and children, communities in underserved areas, and other
disadvantaged groups, including people with disabilities, through e-inclusion and eaccessibility activities and programmes.
In order to have global competitiveness of ICT products and services the government will
encourage universities to establish post-doctoral research fellow positions on contractual and
attractive terms in order to attract world-class researchers.


Select target paragraph3