11.2 Spectrum Policies
The Government may from time to time review plans for the use of specific frequency bands to ensure
optimal utilization of the frequency spectrum. Spectrum will be allocated in an equitable manner.

11.3 Policy Objectives
The Government’s objective in the utilization and management of the radio frequency spectrum is to
achieve, inter alia:(a)

Transition to the next generation of mobile broadband networks such as deployment of LTE,
and other advanced mobile broadband Networks;
Enhanced national security and defence;
Enhanced emergency preparedness against disasters;
Efficient national and international transportation systems;
Sustainable conservation of natural resources;
Efficiency in the dissemination of educational information and entertainment; and
Nationwide availability of efficient and affordable ICT services.

11.4 Realization of Policy Objectives
The ICT sector regulator shall be vested with the responsibilities of originating, planning and
implementing the objectives through the relevant instruments such as rules and regulations governing
the allocation and assignments of radiofrequency spectrum resources.
This shall include but will not be limited to originating and enforcing the relevant regulations for
allocation and assignment of radiofrequency spectrum resources for rollout of broadband services to
the county governments, as and when the resources are available. To encourage ICT infrastructure
deployment across the country the CA shall consider reviewing spectrum charging methodology as
well as consider providing appropriate spectrum fee rebates and other incentives on use of spectrumefficient equipment.
To enhance public safety, security and emergency preparedness, spectrum fees may be waived for
public institutions that provide critical life-line support services. The institutions may also include
those that provide critical public services such as national security, public safety and emergency
services. Such institutions shall be determined by the ICT regulator.

12.1 Introduction
The Government is committed to ensuring that ICT services are available throughout the country and
will support the universal service availability and the widest access to such services. In order to
increase the level of access to ICTs, the Government will provide the enabling environment for the
private sector to play a complementary role towards achieving universal access targets.

12.2 Policy Objectives
The universal access policy objectives are:

Select target paragraph3