Since the launch of mobile money services in Kenya in 2007, this offering has been widely adopted by
both the Government and Private sector as a payment platform that enables users to access financial
and non-financial products via mobile phones. The Government recognizes the economic importance
of mobile money and the growing need to conveniently access the services across the country. To
address mobile money challenges so as to drive financial inclusion across the country, the government


Encourage mobile operators to share mobile money infrastructures including agent networks
on transparent, fair and non-discriminatory basis;
Provide incentives to mobile operators in cases where sharing mobile money infrastructures
would expose them to return on investment risks (the implementation of sharing should
protect the value of existing investment in infrastructures and services);
Collaborate with the Central Bank of Kenya in developing mobile money interoperability policy
that fosters competition;
Promote innovation in mobile money services;
Ensure the mobile money infrastructure sharing protects public interests and guarantees high
security and quality of service.

5.10 Data Centres
Data centres are critical ICT infrastructure that ensures business continuity by protecting businesses
critical applications and data against loss that could arise from natural disasters, acts of terrorism,
sabotage, and technical faults among others.
5.10.1 Policy Objectives
The government will:

Promote Data Centre infrastructure buildout carried out in cognizance of globally approved
standards for purposes of ensuring quality of service under open access, carrier neutral model;
Develop incentives to ensure and protect investment in the field of data centre;
Facilitate the development and enactment of legislation on localization to support growth in
IT service consumption – as an engine to spur data centre growth;
Ensure that Data is processed fairly and lawfully in accordance with the rights of citizens and
obtained only for specific, lawful purposes;

5.10.2 Strategies for Data Centres
The government recognizes the important economic role of data centres across all sectors of the
economy and in order to deliver value to stakeholders and to guide the continuous growth of the same
in both public and private sectors; it will adopt the following strategies:


Ensure government Ministries, Departments and Agencies share and optimize data centre ICT
infrastructure in order to save costs by eliminating the need for infrastructure expenses
incurred by individual agencies and also provide cost efficient, scalable and secure
environment for Government data and information;
Ensure the security of the Government information is harmonized and managed centrally;
Optimal use of human capacity (mainly ICT staff);
Encourage neutral data centre providers (third party independent of the companies);

Select target paragraph3