No. 13


i!ccess to lrtfhrnu1tio11


(h) n1ake reconinv.:ndations to thtc t\1inister on the fees payable
1Nith rC'gard to processing of requests for infOrrnation;

(i) reviev» decisions of !nforn1ation holders \vith regard to
denial of d!sc!osure of inforn11ttlon or grant of access to
inf;Jnnation: nnd
(ij enter and \nspcc-t perniis~:s to \vhich an applicalion for
n:vie\\, relates and inspec-t, 1nake copies of, and take extracts
fron1. any n1aterial relevant to the revie\v process or proceedings
as the cese inay be-,
9, ''fhe ('ornrnission shall publish, in fOrn1s accessible to the Pub!icnnun of
general public, guides \Vhose contents shall int.::!udc the-suiddines

(a) objects of this .'\ct:


dct:1il:-; Clf\hc


(c) cxist111g ob!i<s,at1011s of nil inforn1ntion holders under this
:\cL 1nciuding thci1· rronclivc disc!o:~ure oblignlions:
(ti) various n1ethods and n1cnJis of applying f()r d!sc!osure of

i11fon·nftlio11 fron1 an infcir\'natlon hoider and through the
("01nniissio11; and


(e) Lhc rights of ntc!nbers of the public under this

assistance that is availah!c to tht> gcnvl'al
('01nrniss!on, ~;spccinl!y fi.)r purposes of
\vith this /\ct

Not\vithstanding the prov


nnd the
fto1n the


of any other knv, no civil


of the ilK'
c:u11unission. or any insti1ution tu \\-l11cb this 1\ct applies, or a person
acnng on their heha\L fur the disclusure of any infi)nnntion ur for
nny other act d1ir1e in good friith pt1rsuu11t tu this 1\cL

or cri1ninal proceedings shall lie against tiny

ll, 'fhc ('u1111nission shnll, a:; soon us pra~~ticable but nut rnon: S11b11uss1on
\hull sir, il\Otl1ils a(ler the e~piry ofe~1ch financial yea1~ subn1it to the ufR~pnrts
Nntionn! !\sslcrnb!y a report concerning its activities during that
financial year and the report shn.11 include-.....


(aJ the dc1ai!s of n!I activities undertaken by the (\)n1n1ission
und un other i:1l\tt·n1ation holders lo ensur.;; con1p!ian~'-e \vith ihc
provisions of this i\C!~
(h) n rcviev.- of the status of in1ptcn1en1ation of this Act in that
year: nnd

(c) a general asst":ssinent of the e,fficuc.y of the right of access to
inf(lrn1ation in TV1ala\vl."

Select target paragraph3