No. lJ

Access 10 !nj(>rrnution

!n this /\ct, unless the context other.vise require:>---.,

"('otnn1iss!on" n1eans the Fltnnan Rights ('onin1iss1on
esu:iblishcd under c:hap!er X! of the c·onstitutiorL



!he !--!


include~ an original or cop;.- of any rnateria!,
p:;curd or docu1nent \\·hich conunun;cntes facts., opinion, data or
an: lit!1er n1c1tter regardless of its fonn. ,:haracteristics or
crea1iorL that is in th.: custody or under the cnntro! \)f an:v
ioL_1nnuti(\J1 ih·Yidc1· to \\h1ch ihb ,\,;! app!ic'.<,:

''infvrn1<l\1on holder'' 1n"«ll\> a pt1blic fh_ld) ;;nd a


11n\ ale bod:,.

·'personal inf<Jnnation·· nieans
ideniiflable individual i·rrdtttforg--




(o) inf\:JnT\ation relating to the race, colour, sex, language,
pu!itlcn; or other opininrk national, ethnic or social origin.
disnbi!it), property. birth or other status or condition of the
(h) infc>1Tna1icJn relating_ to the education, ;nedil:al, or

cn1plo; ff~t'!\t h\stnry of the individual or infOnnation relating to
financial transactions in \vhich the individual bas been
(c) any 1dcnl
nun1bc1\ :;yrnbol or other particular
d\;--.1gncd 11l th< ind1\ iduaL

(1/l !ht"




bl(>od type of the- 1ndi\ iduaL

(<:-)correspondencc-s<:11t 1.')) ihe 1nd1\idual that is
tcitl;, or
r:.\.pli;_·1t!) or 11 prh·a1v C\1· confidcnlial nature or furthe-r
1.:(.1!Tt'S\X.\11d1·;ncc thal \\Ou!d 1·e\1he: conlcnts of 1hc original
(\)the narne- <Jftht' individual \vhcre il appears i_.\'ith other
persona! infornHitiun relating_ to the indi\ idual or v;hert' the
discl,Jsure of the nan1e i1se]f\\-01.1id n.:vca! inf(.:w111ation nbout
the individuaL
"private body'' n1eans a persnn or organization, n<-it
public body, \\·ho 1Jr \Yhich
uut any bus\nGss in relation to
public interest or to
and freedon1s of people:

''pub!ie body'' n1e1u1s the
a statutory body, or any
other body nppoin1cd by 1hr: ()\)\ cnuncnt tD cnrr; out pub!ic

Select target paragraph3