A 656

National Agricultural See& Decree

1992 No, 72


"variety" means H sub-division of any crop specie which can be
diffeientiated from other sub-division of that kind of growth, plant,
f a i t or other characteristics and any uniform group which can be a first
generation hybr~d(F1) or a plant popularion reconstituted on each
occasion by crossing two or more breeding stock maintained by
inbreeding or population vsu&dy maintained;
"weed seed" includes the seed of all plants included as wveds or listed
as weeds in the S 4 Regulations or commonly recognised as w d s in


39. This Decree may be cited as the Nationnl Agricultural Seals Decree


Section 2(4)

Proceedings ofthe Council

Cap. 192 LFN.
I. Subject to this Decree and to section z7 ot'tht! Interpretation Act, the
Council nlay make standing orders regulating its proceedings or thcme of any of
its committees.

2. The quorum of the Council shall be tive and the quorum of any
committee of the Council shall he determined by the Council.
3. At any time while the office of the Chairman is vacant or the
Chairman is in the opinion of the Council temporarily a t permanently unable to
perform the functions of his oftice the vice-chairman shall perform those

functions and references in this Schedule to the Chairman shall be construed
4.-(1) Subject to the provisions of any applicable standing orders, the
Board shall meet whenever summoned hy the Chairman; and if the Chairman.
is required so to do by notice given to him by not less than six other memhers,
he shall summon a meeting of the Council to be held within twenty-one days
from the date on which the notice is given.

(2) Where the Council wishes to ohtdn the advice of my person an a
particular matter, (he Council may co-opt him as a member for such period as
it thinks fit, but s person who is 1 mrrnher by virtue of thb sub-paragraph shall

Select target paragraph3