A 662

l992 No. 72

National Ag~cuitumiSee& Decree


thereafter the Council m y , by armgement with the body concerned,cause such
vacancy to be filled by way of &ndment or transfer.

(3) Where any person is seconded under subsection (2)bf this section.
he shall be notified of the terms and conditions of the secondment, m d the
secondment shall be without prejudice to any pension rights which, but for the
secondment, would still accrue to him.
(4) A person seconded under subsection (2) of this section m y elect to
be transferred to the staff of the Council in which case any previous service in
the public service concerned shall be qualifying services as .defined in the
Pension Act.
Cap. 346 LFN.

33-(1) Service in employment of the Council shall be approved service
for the purpose of the Pfnsion Act and accordingly, officers and other persons
employed in the Council shall be entitled to pensions, gratuities 'and dher
retirement benefits as are prescribed thereunder, so however, that nothing in this
Decree shall prevent the appointment of a person to any office on tenns which
preclude the grant of a pension, gratuity or other retirement benefit in mspact
of that office.

(2) For the purposes of application of the provisions of the Pension ~ c t ,
any power exercisable thqteunder by r Minister or other authority of the.
Government of the Fedcesation (not being the power: to make regulations under
section 27 the f) is hereby vested in and shall be exercisable by the Council
and'not by any o her person or authority.





34.-(1) There shall be established and maintained by the Council, a fund

from which shall be defrayed all expenditure incurred by the'council.
(2) There shall be paid and credited to the fund, established pursuant
to subsection ('1) of this section


(a) such moneys as may be provided to the Council by the Fdenl
Military Government or the Government of a State;
(b) all moneys M may be r a i d tbr the purpwbs of the CMIncil by WtY
of gift, loan, grants in aid, tmmmnkuy d i i r i w , or otherwise:

all interests received in resped of m y s invded by the Council:

Select target paragraph3