Article 128
Economic and Social Plan
1. The purpose of the Economic and Social Plan is to guide economic and social
development towards sustainable growth, to reduce regional imbalances and
progressively to eliminate economic and social differences between cities and
the countryside.
2. The Economic and Social Plan shall be expressed financially in the State
3. The draft Economic and Social Plan shall be submitted to the Assembly of the
Republic, together with reports on the major global and sectoral options,
including information to substantiate them.
Article 129
Drafting and Execution of the Economic and Social Plan
1. The Government shall draft the Economic and Social Plan on the basis of its
five-year programme.
2. The draft Economic and Social Plan shall be submitted to the Assembly of the
Republic and shall contain a forecast of the macroeconomic aggregates and the
actions to be taken in pursuit of the sectoral development goals, and it shall be
accompanied by implementation reports to substantiate it.
3. The drafting and implementation of the Economic and Social Plan shall be
decentralised by province and by sector.
Article 130
State Budget
1. The budget shall be unitary, shall specify revenue and expenditure, and shall
at all times respect the rules on annual publication and on publicity, in
accordance with the law.
2. The budget may comprise multi-annual programmes or projects, in which case
the budget shall present the expenditure in respect of the particular year to which
it refers.
3. The State Budget bill shall be drafted by the Government and presented to the
Assembly of the Republic, and it shall contain information to substantiate
revenue forecasts, limits on expenditure, deficit financing, as well as all
information to substantiate budgetary policy.
Translation by MOZLEGAL – Mozambique's Legal Resource Portal
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MOZLEGAL is a Project of José Caldeira & Associados - Attorneys & Consultants