(7) The Executive Director or officer responsible for the investigation of the merger may, at any time,
convene a meeting with any of the parties to the merger or third parties for purposes of inquiring further
into any specific issues that may be of concern to the Commission.
(8) A meeting convened in terms of this Regulation shall be conducted in a manner considered
expedient by the Executive Director or officer of the Commission.

Request for additional information
23. At any time during a merger investigation, the Commission may(a) informally request additional information from a party to a merger but such request shall not
have the effect of extending the Commission's investigation period as envisaged by
Regulation 16; and
(b) require a party to a merger to provide additional information, at any time, as provided in
Regulation 22 by serving on the party a request in Form 5, setting out the specific
information that the Commission requires.

Certificate e of completeness
24. (I) A merger application must be accompanied by a certificate of completeness in Form 6 in the form
of an affidavit attested to by an officer of the company filing the application certifying the accuracy and
completeness of the information submitted to the Commission in terms of the Act and the Regulations.
(2) If, at any time, the Commission believes that a document filed in respect of a merger contains false
or misleading information, the Commission may require the party that tiled the information to submit the
correct information, which must be accompanied by an affidavit from the officer who attested to the
certificate of completeness setting out (a) why the original information was false or misleading; and
(b) the extent to which he has satisfied himself that the new information is complete, correct,
reliable and free from any errors or deficiencies.
(3) Where the Commission issues a notice in terms of sub-regulation (2) above, the parties to the
merger will not have fulfilled their notification requirements until corrected information has been filed to
the satisfaction of the Commission even if the initial investigation period or an extension had already
(4) A party aggrieved by the issuing of Form 6 may appeal the Commission's decision to the Board, of
which the Chairperson of the Board shall, within seven (7) days of receipt of such appeal, refer it to the
Technical Committee of the Board who shall advise accordingly, with a subsequent and final appeal to the
Board of Commissioners.

Abolishment of a merger
25. (I) The party that filed the merger application may notify the Commission using Form 7 that it has
abandoned the proposed merger and has no intention of implementing it.
(2) The notice of abandonment shall be accompanied by a certificate of consent from the other party to
the transaction confirming that the merger has been abandoned.

Select target paragraph3