No. 23

Traditional and Alternative Medicine


(d) two registered alternative health practitioners.
(2) The Chainnan of the Council shall be appointed by the President.
(3) The Minister shall appoint other members of the Council.
(4) The Vice Chainnan shall be elected from amongst the members
of the Council.
(5) Every member of the Council shall hold office for three years
but shall be eligible for reappointment of another tenn.
(6) Procedures of the meetings of the Council shall be as provided
for in the First Schedule to this Act.
(7) The Council shall regulate tradional medicine remedies, herbal
medicine, alternative medicines remedies in a manner provided for in
the Third Schedule to this Act.
of the

6.-(1) The functions of the Council shall generally be to monitor,
regulate, promote, support the development oftraditional medicine and
to implement the provisions of the Act and in particular:
(a) to supervise and control the practice of traditional and alternative
health practitioners;
(b) to publish newly registered practitioners and other necessary issues;
(c) to promote the practice oftraditional and alternative health practitioners;
(d) to hold inquiries for the purpose of this Act;
(e) to coordinate the efforts undertaken in different areas as to develop traditional and alternative health science;
(f) to register and enrol persons who fulfil the requirements;
(g) to register and regulate the traditional and alternative health delivery facilities;

(h) to appoint ad-hoc Committees in order to conduct inquiries against
certain aides and practitioners;
(i) to receive, scrutinize and dispose of reports from the ad-hoc Committee;
(j) to promote the maintenance and enforcement of traditional and
alternative health care;

Select target paragraph3