For purposes of this policy, national security threats and breaches fall under two (2) categories:
a. Subversive Activities: When a person or persons with ill intentions utilize
telecommunications and ICT networks to plan activities that will disrupt our peaceful
way of life and threaten the political, social and commercial stability in the country.
b. Financial: When service providers and operators do not report accurate information
regarding revenue generating activities from their networks. Government taxes and
economic assessments of the sector are based on revenue earned by market players.
Where there is proof that inaccurate information is being submitted, the LTA may shut
down the gateway in question and impose appropriate fines and or penalties against the
offending operator.
Network and Equipment Type approvals
The policy support any and all approval procedures by the LTA to register and certify
telecommunications and communication network equipments imported in Liberia. The policy urges LTA
a. Further ensure that equipment so certified meets conventional or recommended
international standards;
b. Ensure equipment does not cause interference or harmful to the public;
c. Provide manufacturer warranties and established guarantee from related government
agencies (Ministry of Commerce, General Service Agency);
d. Provide releases for network and subscriber equipments coming into the country.
The policy encourages and promotes the sharing of telecommunication infrastructures by operators
including collocation to:
a. Create network redundancy;
b. Maximize services and prevent network outages;
c. Reduce operational cost and ensure affordable services.