Federal ~egarit Gazeta - 1\0


19f t! July.


Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 55 19'"July. 2004...


I)	 N?twithstand:...g the provision of Article 7 (I) (a) of

Communication to the Public for informatory

this . Procl~;'tlon the owner of copyright cannot
forbid, withoit exceeding fair practice and the
extent justified l..~' the purpose, a reproduction of a
published work or sound recording for the purpose
of teaching.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7 (1) (a), (h)
and (i) of this Proclamation, subject to the obligation
to indicate the source and the name of the author as far
as practicable; the owner of copyright cannot forbid:

t l.	 Reproduction for Teaching

2) A copy made in accordance with the preceding
Sub-Article shall indicate, as far as practicable,
the sources of the work or sound recording
reproduced and the name of the autheor
12.	 Reproduction by Libraries, Archives and Similar
1) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 7 (1) (a)
of this Proclamation, the owner of copyright
cannot forbid a reproduction of a work by a
library, archive, memorial hall, museum or
similar institutions whose activity directly or
indirectly is not for gain
. .
2)	 A library or archive can make a reproduction of a
published Article, short work or short extract of a
wor~ to satisfY the request of a physical person,
provided that:
a)	 the library or archive is satisfied that the copy
will be used solely for the purpose of study,
scholarship or private research,
b)	 the act or reproduction is an isolated case
occurring, if repeated, on separate and
unrelated occasion, and
c)	 there is no
organization which the educational institution
is aware of, which can afford a collective
license ofreproduction
3/	 A copy of work, under Sub-Article (I) of this
article shall be made:
a)	 to preserve and, if necessary to replace a copy
or a copy which has been lost, destroyed or
rendered unusable in the permanent
collection of another similar library or
b)	 where it is impossible to obtain a copy under
reasonable conditions, and
c)	 the act or reproduction is an isolated one
occurring and if repeated on separate and
unrelated occasions.


1/	 the reproduction in a newspaper or periodical, the
broadcasting or other communication to the
public of an Article published-in a newspaper or
periodical on current economic, political, social ro
religious or similar topics 'unless the right or
authorize reproduction or broadcasting or the
communication to the public is expressly reserved
on the copies by the author or owner of copyright
or in connection with broadcasting or other
communication to the public ofthe work;


reproduction and broadcasting or other
communication to the public of short excerpts of
a work seen or heard for the purpose.of reporting
current events.

3/ the reproduction in a newspaper or periodical, the
broadcasting or other communication to the
public of a political speech, lecture, address,
sermon or other work of a similar nature delivered
in public, or a speech delivered during legal
proceedings, to the extent justified by the purpose
of providing current information.
14. Reproduction and AdaptatioD of oomputer program
1/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7 "(I) (a)
and (c) of this proclamation, pte owner Of copyright
can not forbid a single copy reproduction, or
adaptation of a computer program.
2/ The reproduction or adaptation of a computer
program, under the' preceding Sub Article, is
permissible when it is found necessary to make;

a)	 use of a computer program with a computer for
the purpose and extent for which the computer
program has been obtained, ,
b) a back up copy by a person having a right to
use the computer program in so far as it is
. necessary to ensure future use, or
c)	 adaptation that is indispensable for using the
computer program in conjunction with a
machine for the purpose, and to the extent of
use, for which the program has been lawfuIly

Select target paragraph3