A a2

1992 No. 72

National AgrictlItural See& Decree
(d) four persons to represent State Ministries of Agriculture and Natural
Resources or State Seed Co-ordination Committees, when established,
one to be selected from each zone on rotational basis;
(e) four persons to represent the Nigeria seed industry:

(t) one person each to represent(i) the Seed Growers Association; and
(ii) the Co-operatives Societies of Nigeria:
(g) one person to represent the Federal Ministry of Finance;

(h) one person from a private financial lending institution;
(i) the H&d 0% Unit, National Seed Service Unit of the Federal
Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development. who
shall also serve as a member and Secretary to the Council; and
(i) a representative of the Department of Plant Breeding and S d
Technology in a Nigerian University.

(2) All appointments under paragraphs (d), (e), (t) and (h) of subscctitbn
(1) of this section shall be made by the Minister.
(3) Members of the Council, other than those appointed under
paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (g),(i) and ( i ) of subsection ( I ) of this section, shall
hold offioe for such period not k i n g less than three years as the Minister, n w y
from time to time, determine.

(4) The supplementary provisions set out in the Schedule t o this Decree
shall have effect with respect to the prcxdings of the ~oul;cil and the other
matters specified therein.

Functions of
the Council.

3. The functions of the Council shall be

to analyse and propose proprammes, policies and actions repardir?g

seed developnlent and the sewl industry in general, including legislation
and research on issues relating to seed testing, registmlion, relea*,
production, marketing, distibution,certificrtion,quality control. sr~pply
and use of W ( ; S in Nigeria, im'prtation and exportation of d s and
quaranline regulations relating thereto;

Select target paragraph3