Article 43: Types of audiovisual media organs
Audiovisual media organs in Rwanda are divided into the following types:
1. Commercial audiovisual media organs ;
2. Audiovisual media organs for religious denominations recognized by the law ;
3. Audiovisual media organs for individuals, non-Governmental Organizations and political
parties recognized in Rwanda ;
4. Public or community audiovisual media organs.
Article 44: Document containing the agreement, duties and rights of audiovisual press
Without prejudice to provisions of this Law or other laws into force in Rwanda, the functioning
of audiovisual media organs shall be governed by the document containing their related
functioning and obligations.
The document shall be instituted by the Media High Council.
Section 2: Agreement on establishment of media enterprise and its functioning
Article 45: Request for establishment of an audiovisual organ
The authorization for establishment of an audio-visual organ is granted by the Media High
Council after examining the applicant’s request. The authorized media organ is given a
document testifying such authorization, and signs with the Media High Council an agreement
on fulfilling what is contained in the document provided for by the Article 44 of this Law for a
period of five (5) years renewable.
Article 46: Criteria to grant the authorization
The authorization for establishment of an audiovisual media organ is granted after examining
the benefits of the project to the population, taking into account basic principles of preserving
their various living conditions, thinking and social welfare.
Article 47: Establishment of an audiovisual media organ
After the owner of an audiovisual media organ and the Media High Council have signed the
agreement, the media organ that was granted the authorization of operating in Rwanda shall
start its operations not later than twelve (12) months. At the expiration of this deadline, the
authorization is no longer valid.