6. The hearing of any motion may, from time to time, be adjourned upon such terms as the Court may think fit.
7. (1) No motion shall be made without previous notice to the parties affected thereby.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this rule, the Court may, if satisfied that to delay the motion till after notice
is given to the parties affected would entail irreparable damage or serious mischief to the party moving, make an
order ex parte upon such terms as to costs or otherwise and subject to such undertakings, if any, as the justice of
the case demands.
2. Ex parte Motion
8. A motion ex parte shall be supported by affidavit which shall, in addition to the requirements of rule 3 of this
Order, state sufficient grounds why delay in granting the order sought would entail irreparable damage or serious
mischief to the party moving.
9. Any party moving the Court ex parte may support his motion by argument addressed to the Court on the facts
put in evidence, and no party to the suit or proceedings, although present, other than the party moving, shall be
entitled to be then heard.
10. Where a motion is made ex parte, the Court may make or refuse to make the order sought, or may grant an
order to show cause why the order sought should not be made, or may direct the motion to be made on notice to
the parties to be affected thereby.
11. Where an order is made on a motion ex parte, any party affected by it may, within seven days after service of
it, or within such further time as the Court shall allow, apply to the Court by motion to vary or discharge it; and
the Court may, on notice to the party obtaining the order, either refuse to vary or discharge it with or without
imposing terms as to costs or security, or otherwise, as seems just.
3. Orders to show Cause
12. An order to show cause shall specify a day when cause is to be shown, to be called the return-day to the
order, which shall ordinarily be not less than three days after service.
13. A person served with an order to show cause may, before the return-day, produce evidence to contradict the
evidence used in obtaining the order, or setting forth other facts on which he relies to induce the Court to
discharge or vary the order.
14. On the return-day, if the person served does not appear and it appears to the Court that the service on all
proper parties has not been duly effected, the Court may enlarge the time and direct further service or make such
other order as seems just.
15. If the person served appears, or the Court is satisfied that service has been duly effected, the Court may
proceed with the matter.
16. The Court may either discharge the order or make the order absolute, or adjourn the consideration thereof, or
permit further evidence to be produced in support of or against the order, and may modify the terms of the order
so as to meet the merits of the case.
4. Notice of Motion
17. Unless the Court gives special leave to the contrary, there shall be at least two clear days between the service
of a notice or motion and the day named in the notice for hearing the motion.
18. Notice of motion may, without leave of the Court, be served by any person, notwithstanding that that person
is not an officer of the Court.
19. Where a party acts by a legal practitioner, service of notice of motion on the legal practitioner shall be
deemed good service on that party.

Select target paragraph3