jurisdiction may be issued and marked as a concurrent originating summons with one for service within the
(2) Where the plaintiff sues in person, the originating summons shall be endorsed with(a) the address of his place of residence and if his place of residence is not within the jurisdication or if he has no
place of residence, the address of a place within the jurisdication at or to which documents for him may be
delivered or sent;
(b) his occupation; and
(c) an address for service.
6. An originating summons for service within the jurisdication may be issued and marked as a concurrent
originating summons with one for service out of the jurisdication; and an originating summons for service out of
jurisdiction may be issued and marked as a concurrent originating summons with one for service within the
7. No originating summons which, or notice of which, is to be served out of the jurisdication shall be issued
without leave of the Court:
Provided that if any claim made by an originating summons is one which by virtue of an enactment the Court has
power to hear and determine, notwithstanding that the person against whom the claim is made is not within the
jurisdiction of the Court or that the wrongful act, neglect or default giving rise to the claim did not take place
within its jurisdiction, the provisions of this rule shall not apply to the summons.
8. An originating summons is issued upon its being signed by the Registrar or other officer of the Court duly
authorised to sign summons.
9. (1) For the purpose of service, an originating summons (other than a concurrent one) shall be valid in the first
instance for twelve months beginning with the date of its issue and a concurrent originating summons shall be
valid in the first instance for the period of validity o the original summons which is unexpired at the date of issue
of the concurrent summons.
(2) Where an originating summons has not been served on a defendant, the Court may by order extend the
validity of the summons from time to time for such period, not exceeding twelve months at any one time,
beginning with the day next following that on which it would otherwise expire, as may be specified in the order,
if an application for extension is made to the Court before that day or such later day (if any) as the Court may
(3) Before an originating summons, the validity of which has been extended under this provision is served, it
shall be marked with an official stamp showing the period for which the validity of the summons has been so
(4) Where the validity of an originating summons is extended by order made under this rule, the order shall
operate in relation to any other summons (whether original or concurrent) issued in the same action which has
not been served, so as to extend the validity of that other summons until the expiration of the period specified in
the order.
10. Rules 2(l) and 3(3) of this Order shall, so far as applicable, apply to an ex parte originating summons; but,
save as aforesaid, the foregoing provisions of this order shall not apply to ex parte originating summons.

Select target paragraph3