9. The sealing of any writ or process shall not be necessary in addition to the signature of the Registrar or other
officer by whom the writ or process shall be signed, except in cases where sealing may be expressly directed by
these Rules or any written law or Rule of Court, or by any prescribed form.
10. Before a writ is issued it shall be endorsed(a) with a statement of claim or, if the settlement of claim is not endorsed on the writ, with a concise statement of
the nature of the claim made or the relief or remedy required in the action begun thereby; and

(b) where the claim made by the plaintiff is for a debt or a liquidated demand only, with a statement of the
amount claimed in respect of the debt or demand, and for costs.
11. (1) Before a writ is issued it shall be endorsed where(a) the plaintiff sues in a representative capacity, with a statement of the capacity in which he sues; and
(b) a defendant is sued in a representative capacity, with a statement of the capacity in which he is sued.
Summons for service out of jurisdiction.
(2) Before a writ is issued in an action brought by a plaintiff who in bringing it, is acting by order or on behalf of
a person resident outside the jurisdiction, it shall be endorsed with a statement of that fact and with the address of
the person so resident.
12. (1) Where a plaintiff sues by a legal practitioner, the writ shall be endorsed with the plaintiff's address and
the legal practitioner's name or firm and a business address of his within the jurisdiction and also, if the legal
practitioner is the agent of another, the name or firm and business address of his principal.
(2) Where the plaintiff sues in person, the writ shall be endorsed with
(a) the address of his place of residence and, if his place of residence is not within the jurisdiction or if he has no
place of residence, the address of a place within the jurisdiction at or to which documents for him may be
delivered or sent;
(b) his occupation; and
(c) an address for service
13. (1) One or more concurrent writs may, at the request of the plaintiff, be issued at the time when the original
writ is issued or at any time thereafter before the original writ ceases to be valid.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of paragraph (1) of this rule, a writ for service within the
jurisdiction may be issued as a concurrent writ with one which, or notice of which, is to be served out of the
jurisdiction; and a writ which or notice of which, is to be served out of the jurisdiction may be issued as a
concurrent writ with one for service within the jurisdiction.
(3) A concurrent writ is a true copy of the original writ with such differences only (if any) as are necessary
having regard to the purpose for which the writ is issued.
14. No writ which, or notice of which, is to be served out of the jurisdiction shall be issued without leave of the
Provided that if any claim made by a writ is one which by virtue of an enactment the Court has power to hear
and determine notwithstanding that the person against whom the claim is made is not within the jurisdiction of
the Court or that the wrongful act, neglect or default giving rise to the claim did not take place within its
jurisdiction, the foregoing provisions shall not apply to the writ.
15. A writ is issued upon its being signed by the Registrar or other officer of the Court duly authorised to sign
the writ.

Select target paragraph3