4. (1) A receiver shall submit account to the Court at such intervals or on such dates as the Court may direct in
order that they may be passed.
(2) Unless the Court otherwise directs, each account submitted by a receiver shall be accompanied by an
affidavit verifying it.
(3) The receiver's account and affidavit (if any) shall be left at the registrar's office, and the plaintiff or party
having the conduct of the cause or matter shall thereupon obtain an appointment for the purpose of passing the
(4) The passing of a receiver's account shall be certified by the registrar.
5. The days on which a receiver shall pay into Court the amount shown by his account as due from him, or such
part thereof as the Court may certify as proper to be paid in by him, shall be fixed by the Court.
6. (1) Where a receiver fails to attend for the passing of any account of his, or fails to submit any account, make
any affidavit or do any other thing which he is required to submit, make or do, he and any or all of the parties to
the cause or matter in which he was appointed may be required to attend in chambers to show cause for the
failure and the Court may, either in chambers or after adjournment into Court, give such directions as it thinks
proper including, if necessary, directions for the discharge of the receiver and the appointment of another and the
payment of costs.
(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1) of this rule, where a receiver fails to attend for the passing of any account
of his or fails to submit any account or fails to pay into Court on the date fixed by the Court, any sum shown by
his account as due from him, the Court may disallow any remuneration claimed by the receiver in any
subsequent account and may, where he has failed to pay any such sum into Court, charge him with interest at the
rate of ten per centum per annum on that sum while in his possession as a receiver.
Order 22
Computation of Time
1. Where by any written law or any special order made by the Court in the course of any proceedings, any
limited time from or after any date or event is appointed or allowed for the doing of any act or the taking of any
proceeding and such time is not limited by hours, the following rules shall apply(a) the limited time shall not include the day or the date of the happening of the event, but commences at the
beginning of the day next following that day;
(b) the act or proceeding shall be done or taken at the latest on the last day or the limited time;
(c) where the time limited is less than five days, no public holiday, Saturday or Sunday shall be reckoned as part
of the time;
(d) when the time expires on a public holiday, Saturday or Sunday the act or proceeding shall be considered as
clone or taken in due time if it is none or taken on the next day afterwards not being a public holiday, Saturday
or Sunday.
2. Parties may not by consent enlarge or abridge any of the times fixed by the provision of these Rules for taking
any step, filing any by document, or giving any notice.
3. (1) The Court may, on such terms as it thinks just, by order extend or abridge the period within which a person
is required or authorised by these provisions or by any judgment, order or direction, to do any act in any
(2) The Court may extend any such period as is referred to in paragraph (1) of this rule although the application
for extension is not made until after the expiration of that period.

Select target paragraph3