it, and at the same time shall notify to the said consular or other authority the amount of the charges certified
under sub-paragraph (b) of this rule.
25. Upon the application of the Attorney-General of the Federation the Court or a Judge in chambers may make
all such order for substituted service or otherwise as may be necessary to give effect to rules 13 to 23 of this
26. Any order giving leave to effect service out of the jurisdiction shall prescribe the mode of service and shall
limit a time after the service within which the defendant is to enter an appearance, such time to depend on the
place or country where or within which the writ is to be served and the Court may receive an affidavit or
statutory declaration of the service having been effected as prima facie evidence thereof.
C General Provisions
27. Where the officer of Court or person charged with the service of any writ or document or any person is
prevented by the violence or threats of that person, or any other person in concert with him, from personally
serving the writ or document it shall be sufficient to inform the person to be served of the nature of the writ or
document as near that person as practicable.
28. In all cases where service of any writ or document has been effected by a bailiff or other officer of Court, an
affidavit of service sworn to by that bailiff or other officer shall on production, without proof of signature, be
prima facie evidence of service.
29. The costs of and incidental to, the execution of any process in a suit shall be paid in the first place by the
party requiring the execution and the sheriff shall not (except by order of the Court) be bound to serve or execute
any process unless the fees and reasonable expenses thereof have been previously paid or tendered to him.
30. Service shall not be made on a Sunday or public holiday, unless the Court directs otherwise by order
endorsed on the document to be served.
31. A book shall be kept at every Court for recording service or process, in such form as the Chief Judge may
direct, in which shall be entered by the officer serving the process, or by the registrar, the names of the plaintiff
or complainant and the defendant, the particular court issuing the process, the method, whether personal or
otherwise, of the service, and the manner in which the person serving ascertained that he served the process on
the right person, and where any process has not been duly served, then the cause of failure shall be stated and
every entry in the book or an office copy of any entry shall be prima facie evidence of the several matters therein

Select target paragraph3