
provide economic and technical monitoring of the information and
communication industry in accordance with recognized international
standard practices, protocols and having regard to the convergence of


promote and maintain effective competition, fair and efficient market conduct
between entities engaged in the information and communication industry in
Mauritius and to ensure that this Act is implemented with due regard to the
public interest and so as to prevent any unfair or anti-competitive practices
by licensees;


advise and assist in the formulation of national policies with respect to the
regulation of the information and communication industry;


act internationally as the national regulatory body of Mauritius in respect of
information and communication technologies matters;


exercise licensing and regulatory functions in respect of information and
communication services in Mauritius including the determination of types
and classes of licensees and the approval of prices, tariffs and alterations


establish, for public operators, performance standards and linkage
standards in relation to the provision of international and local telephone
services, and monitor compliance with both of those standards;


report, in such manner as may be required, to the Minister or to any other
person on any matter that lies within its purview, such as the performance of
public operators, the quality of consumer service and consumer satisfaction,
measured against the best available international standards of practice;


ensure the fulfilment by public operators of their obligations under any


Repealed by [Act No. 1 of 2009]


develop and, where appropriate, revise, accounting requirements and draw
up a cost allocation manual for use by public operators;


regulate the security of data;

Amended by [Act No. 1 of 2009]

take steps to regulate or curtail the harmful and illegal content on the
Internet and other information and communication services;

(n) ensure the safety and quality of every information and communication services
including telecommunication service and, for that purpose, determine

Select target paragraph3