lines 4 and 7, the words, ''the National Industrial Court";
(b) in subsection (I )(b), by inserting immediately after the word "or" in
line 3, the words, "National Industrial Court or''; and


in subsection (2). by inserting immediately alkr the word "or'' in line
2, the words, "National Industrial Court or".

Section 316 of the Principal Act is altered by inse1iing a new subsection
''( 5 after the existing subsection (4 )-


Alteration of

section 316 of the
Principal i\cL

·'(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section the National Industrial

Court Act 2006 and any office or authority established and charged with any
function under the Act. shall be deemed to have been duly established and
shall continue to be charged with such function by virtue of this Constitution
or in accordance with the provision of a law made thereunder".


Section 318 of the Principal Act is altered by inserting the words(a) "the office of the President or Judge of the National Industrial
Court .. immediately aHer the words "Federal I Iigh Court .. in line 3
under the interpretation of Judicial 01Tice; and
(b) ·'the National Industrial Court" immediately after the words "the
Federal High Court" in paragraph (b), line 1 under the interpretation
of"Public Service of the Federation".


The Third Schedule to the Principal Act is altered-

Alteration of
section 318 ofthe

Print:ipal Act


or the

Third Schedule to
lht.! Principal Act.

(a) in paragraph 12, by inserting immediately after paragraph (d), a new
paragraph "(del)""(del)" the President ofthe National Industrial Court";
in paragraph 13(a), by inserting new subparagraphs ''(via)" and "(vib)"
immediately after the existing subparagraph (vi)"(via) the !'resident of the National Industrial Court"; and
'·(vib) a Judge of the National Industrial Court, and";
(c) in p<mtgraph 13(c), by inserting immediately after the word "Court", in
line 3. the words ''the National industrial Court";

Select target paragraph3