may(a) retain the postal article and on production of the will or letters of administration
to the estate of the addressee together with the written application of one or more
of the executors or administrators, deliver or release the article in accordance with
such request; or
(b) treat the postal article in accordance with the provisions of these regulations
that relate to undeliverable postal articles.
11. Prohibited articles.
(1) All postal licensees shall, where applicable before accepting any item for
postage, require the sender to declare its contents.
(2) In accordance with section 58 of the Act, a person shall not send, by post—
(a) any explosive, inflammable, dangerous, noxious or deleterious substance,
filthy, sharp instrument not properly protected or any article or thing whatsoever
which is likely to injure either other postal articles in the course of conveyance or
any person handling the article;
(b) any article for export, import or carriage which is prohibited under any law in
Kenya , or which, being subject to any restriction imposed by such law, is
transmitted otherwise than in accordance with that restriction;
(c) any article which may not, under the law of the country to which it is
addressed, be imported or transmitted by post;
(d) any article sent by post in a stamped or embossed envelope wrapper, card forms
or paper in imitation of the one issued under the authority of the public postal
(e) any article of such form or colour or so made up for transmission by post or that
is likely, in the opinion of the postal licensee, to embarrass the officers of the
organizations dealing with the article;
(f) any article bearing any stamp or impression of a stamping machine denoting
payment of postage or fee which is imperfect or mutilated or defaced in any way or
across which is written or printed or otherwise impressed.
(g) any article whereon the payment of any postage or fees purports to be denoted