[Chapter 11:20]

Interception of Communications Act

No. 6/2007

(2) The monitoring centre shall be the sole facility through which authorised interceptions
shall be effected.
(3) The monitoring centre shall be manned, controlled and operated by technical experts
designated by the agency.
(4) The monitoring centre shall give technical advice to—
(a) authorised persons; and
(b) to service providers;
on the interception of communications in terms of this Act.


Authorised persons to apply for warrant of interception

(1) An application for the lawful interception of any communication may be made by the
following persons—
(a) the Chief of Defence Intelligence or his or her nominee;
(b) the Director-General of the President’s department responsible for national security or
his or her nominee;
(c) the Commissioner of the Zimbabwe Republic Police or his or her nominee;
(d) the Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority or his or her nominee.
(2) An application in terms of subsection (1) shall be made by an authorised person to the
Minister for the Minister to issue a warrant for the interception of any communication.
(3) An application in terms of subsection (1) shall contain the following information—
(a) the person or customer, if known, whose communication is required to be intercepted;
(b) the service provider to whom the direction to intercept the communication must be
addressed, if applicable; and
(c) the nature and location of the facilities from which, or the place at which, the
communication is to be intercepted, if known; and
(d) full particulars of all the facts and circumstances alleged by the applicant in support of
his or her application; and
(e) whether other investigative procedures have been applied and have failed to produce
the required evidence, or the reason why other investigative procedures appear to be
unlikely to succeed if applied, or whether they involve undue risk to the safety of
members of the public or to those wishing to obtain the required evidence:
Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to an application for the issuing of a
warrant in respect of a serious offence;
(f) the period for which the warrant is required to be issued; and
(g) the basis for believing that communication relating to the ground on which the
application is made will be obtained through the interception; and


Select target paragraph3