IP1N1l/N GA/Oil
Page 4


8. An application ·for registration of a design shall be
signed by the applicant for registration or by his agent.

9. Except as regards applications to register designs to be
applied to textile articles, an application for registration of a
design shall be on Designs Form NO.2 or 3, or in the case of
a design to be applied to a set of articles on Designs For01
No.4 or 5, as the case may be.
10. \Vhere it is desired to register the same design in
respect of more than one article, a separate application shall
be made in respect of each article. In that case each
application shall be numbered separately and shall be
treated as a separate and distinct application.
11. (1) Every application shall state the article to which
the design is to be applied, and that the applicant claims to
be the statutory creator thereof, and shall state the name
and address of the true crea tor.

(2) Except in the case of an application to register a
design to be applied to a textile article, to wallpaper or to
lace, the application shall further be accompanied by a
statement of the features of the design
..... .
12. The applicant shall, if required by the Registrar in
any case so to do, endorse on each of the representations or
specimens a statement satisfactory to the Registrar.
13. Except as regards applications for registration of
designs to be applied to textile articles, there shall be
furnished in connection with an application three identical
representations of the design, in a form satisfactory to the
Registrar, or three specimens. Where representations are
supplied the Registrar may at any time before registration
require more specimens or additional representations.
14. (1) There shall be furnished in connection with an
application for the registration of a design to be applied to a
set of articles four identical representations of the design in
a form satisfactory to the Registrar, or four specimens.
(2) The representations shall show the design as applied

to each different article included in the set.

Select target paragraph3