• Municipal government
• Subsidiary unit government

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Subsection Three: Local Administration
Article 175: Administrative units
The state is divided into local administrative units that have legal personality. They
include governorates, cities and villages. Other administrative units that have legal
personality may be established, if the public interest requires such.
When establishing or abolishing local units or amending their boundaries, economic
and social conditions shall be taken into account. The foregoing is organized by law.

Article 176: Empowerment of administrative units
The state ensures support for administrative, financial, and economic
decentralization. The law organizes empowering administrative units in providing,
improving, and managing public utilities well, and defines the timeline for
transferring powers and budgets to the local administration units.
• Reference to science

Article 177: Needs of local units
The state guarantees that it will satisfy the local units’ needs in terms of scientific,
technical, administrative and financial assistance, and ensures the equitable
distribution of facilities, services and resources, and works to bring development
levels in these units to a common standard and achieve social justice between these
units. This will be organized by law.

Article 178: Finances of local units
Local units have independent financial budgets.
Local units’ resources include, in addition to the resources allocated to them by the
state, original and additional taxes and fees of a local nature. The unit follows the
same rules and procedures in the collection of public funds as followed by the state.
The foregoing is regulated by law.

Article 179: Selection of governors and heads of local units
The law regulates the manner in which governors and heads of other local
administrative units are selected, and defines their mandate.

Article 180: Election of local councils
• Secret ballot

Every local unit elects a local council by direct, secret ballot for a term of four years.
A candidate must be no younger than 21 years old. The law regulates other
conditions for candidacy and procedures of election, provided that one quarter of
the seats are allocated to youth under 35 years old, one quarter is allocated for
women, workers and farmers are represented by no less than 50 percent of the total
number of seats, and these percentages include a proper representation of
Christians and people with disability.
Local councils are responsible for developing and implementing the development
plan, monitoring the activity’s different aspects, exercising the tools of monitoring
the executive authority such as proposals, and submitting questions, briefing
motions, interpellations and others, and withdrawing confidence from the heads of
local units, in the manner organized by law.

Egypt 2014

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