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(f) the removal or alteration of any information on the rights regime without authority;
(g) the distribution or import for distribution of information on the rights regime in the
knowledge that such information has been deleted or altered without authorization;
(h) the distribution or import for distribution, broadcast, communication to the public or
making available to the public, without authorization, of works, performances, phonograms or
broadcasts, in the knowledge that electronic information on the rights regime has been
deleted or altered without authorization.
As used in this Article, the expression “effective technological measure” shall mean any
technological measure, device or component that, in its normal use, controls access to a
work, performance, phonogram or other subject of protection, or protects any copyright or
related rights.
As used in this Article, the expression "rights management information" shall mean
information that identifies the author, the work, the performer or the performance, the
phonogram producer, the phonogram, the broadcasting agency, the broadcast or the owner
of any right under this Law, or any information about the terms and conditions of use of the
work and other productions referred to in this Law, and any numbers or codes that represent
such information, when any of these items of information is attached to a copy of a work, a
fixed performance, a copy of a phonogram or a fixed broadcast program, or appears in
connection with the broadcast, communication to the public or the making available to the
public of a work, fixed performance, phonogram or broadcast program.
Pursuant to Articles 61 to 64, any device or system or means mentioned in this Article and
any copy from which information on the rights regime has been removed, or in which such
information has been altered, shall be assimilated to infringing copies of works.
Specific provisions
Article 65.1
The following non-profit entities: libraries, archive services, educational institutions or public
broadcasting organizations shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 64 for violations
mentioned in Article 65, paragraphs (a), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h).
Non-profit entities covered in the previous paragraph may not be ordered to pay damages
under Article 62 for violations mentioned in Article 65, paragraphs (a), (d), (e), (g), (h) or (i) if
they provide proof that they were not aware or had no reason to think that their acts
constituted a prohibited activity.
Article 65.2
Any infringement of the rights of an owner of copyright or related rights may be the subject of
proceedings ordered by right by the Public Prosecutor’s Office without any need for a private
party or rightsowner to bring a complaint.
Liability of service providers
Article 65.3
For the application of the provisions of Article 65.4, and for the purposes of the duties
referred to in Article 65.5(B) to (D), “service provider” shall mean a provider or operator of


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