The Data Protection Bill, 2012

personal information; and
(h) data subjects are allowed a right of access to their
personal information and a right to demand correction if
such information turns out to be inaccurate.
Right to protection of

5. Every person has a right to privacy with respect to their
personal data relating to their private and family life.


6. The right to privacy may be limited in order to safeguard
overriding legitimate interests but the limitation must be carried out
using the method that is least intrusive to the data subject.

Duty to notify.

7. (1) Before an agency collects personal information directly
from a data subject, the agency shall take such steps as are in the
circumstances reasonable to ensure that the data subject is aware of
(a) the fact that the information is being collected;
(b) the purpose for which the information is being
(c) the intended recipients of the information;
(d) the name and address of the agency that is collecting
the information and the agency that will hold the
information and whether or not any other agency will
receive the information;
(e) the collection of the information is authorised or
required by or under law—
(i) the particular law by or under which the collection
of the information is so authorised or required;
(ii) protocols to comply with the law;
(iii) whether or not the supply of the information by
that data subject is voluntary or mandatory;
(f) the consequences if any, for that data subject if all or
any part of the requested information is not provided;


Select target paragraph3