That anything fraud or related criminal activity be further
reported to any relevant entity or authority for address;
c) The acceptance of and
termination of international incoming
electronic communication traffic are subject to network operators’
license terms without regard to the routing protocol used. Any
termination or delivery by any person or body corporate without a
license is considered as fraudulent.
d) The delivery and termination of international incoming electronic
communication traffic by network operators is limited to the routing
of calls to either customers of their own network and to the
customers of other network operators with whom they have an
interconnection agreement for the provision of transit and roaming
service for the international incoming electronic communication
e) By-pass is hereby not permitted and must be blocked and reported
to RURA by any network operator.
f) Network operators are allowed to block traffic without CLI or with
modified CLI.
g) Network operators must carry traffic with the CLI (unmodified.
h) The RURA reserves the right to conduct on-site inspections as part of
its mandate.
i) All network operators must fight, by all means at their disposal,
fraud or fraudulent termination of international incoming electronic
communication traffic on their network and other network operators
when fraud is initiated by one of their customers and or carriers.
They are obliged to either cut or block such call terminations where
fraud is detected or reported.
j) The transit of international calls from one local network operator to
another is permitted though operators are not required to accept
international incoming electronic communication traffic routed
through another operator for customers of their networks.
k) Transit fees or charges for international incoming electronic
communication traffic are determined by an interconnection
agreement between the network operators.
Regulations for International Gateway Traffic Verification System for Network Operators in Rwanda