any other data and in particular the content of the electronic
communications, location information for mobile services or SMS.
c) An IBCS or monitoring hardware and software will only be installed
over such dedicated links with signalling information where it shall
be physically impossible for the public authorities to record, monitor
or tap into the content of any electronic communication.


Article 12.1

Transparency Obligations

a) All network operators shall provide RURA with the following

The declaration on traffic including total number of minutes
and revenue for the termination of international inbound voice
traffic, including transit traffic, in their own network which
shall include the statistics of international incoming electronic
communication traffic of calls completed on their own network
and calls completed on third party networks;


Interconnection, transit and roaming agreements signed with
third party operators or carriers;


Statements and invoices by international carriers or operators
for the traffic terminated in Rwanda or invoices sent to
international carriers or operators;


the number of minutes and revenue for traffic terminated to
each international carrier contracting the termination service
with the licensed operator;


the CDRs for voice traffic, both for international inbound
traffic and for national voice traffic in a format to be defined
and determined by RURA.


all the necessary information about the management of their
networks for the provision of voice services, including their
networks SS7 data links, recorded traffic data, contracts and
invoices with other carriers etc

b) The report and CDRs mentioned above shall be submitted to RURA
before the sixth calendar day after the end of each calendar month
and the CDRs will be subject to CDR comparison process.
c) Network operators shall allow RURA, or entity acting on behalf of
RURA, to audit the network operator’s networks for the objectives

Regulations for International Gateway Traffic Verification System for Network Operators in Rwanda

Select target paragraph3