Article (179)
The law shall regulate the manner in which governors and heads of other local administrative
units are appointed or elected, and shall determine their competences.
Article (180)
Every local unit shall elect a local council by direct and secret ballot for a term of four years. A
candidate shall be at lease twenty one (21) Gregorian years of age. The law shall regulate the
other conditions for candidacy and procedures of election, provided that one quarter of the seats
shall be allocated to youth under thirty five (35) years of age and one quarter shall be allocated
for women, and that workers and farmers shall be represented by no less than 50 percent of the
total number of seats, and these percentages shall include an appropriate representation of
Christians and people with disability.
Local councils shall be competent to follow up the implementation of the development plan, f
monitor of the different activities, exercise of oversight over the executive authorities using tools
such as providing proposals, and submitting questions, briefing motions, interrogations and
others, and to withdraw confidence from the heads of local units, as regulated by Law.
The law shall define the competences of other local councils, their financial sources, guarantees
of their members, and the independence of such councils.
Article (181)
Local councils’ resolutions that are issued within their respective mandates shall be final. They
shall not be subject to the interference by the executive authority, except to prevent the council
from overstepping its jurisdiction, or causing damage to the public interest or the interest of other
local councils.
Any dispute pertaining to the jurisdiction of these local councils in villages, centers or towns
shall be settled by the governorate-level local council. Disputes regarding the jurisdiction of
governorate-level local councils shall be resolved, as a matter of urgency, by the General
Assembly of the Legal Opinion and Legislation Departments of the State Council. The foregoing
shall be regulated by Law.
Article (182)
Every local council shall develop its own budget and final accounts, as regulated by Law.
Article (183)
Local councils shall not be dissolved by virtue of a general administrative action.
The Law shall regulate the manner of dissolving and re-electing local councils.

Select target paragraph3