Article (85)
Every individual shall have the right to address public authorities in writing and under his own
signature. Public authorities may not be addressed in the name of any groups except for any
entity having a legal personality e.
Article (86)
Protecting national security is a duty. The responsibility of all parties to uphold national security
is guaranteed by the Law.. . Defending the nation and the protection of its land are an honor and
a sacred duty. Military service is mandatory according to the Law.
Article (87)
Participation of citizens in the public life is a national duty. Every citizen shall have the right to
vote, run for elections, and express his/her opinion in referendums. The Law shall regulate the
exercise of these rights. There may be exemption from the performance of this duty in certain
cases to be specified by Law.
The State shall be responsible for entering the name of each citizen in the voters database
without request therefrom provided he/she satisfies the conditions for voting. The State shall also
purge this database on a periodic basis in pursuance of the Law. The State shall guarantee the
safety, neutrality and integrity of referendum and election procedures. It is prohibited to use
public funds, government agencies, public facilities, worship places, business sector institutions
and non-governmental organizations and institutions for political purposes or election publicity.
Article (88)
The State shall safeguard the interests of Egyptians living abroad, protect them and protect their
rights and freedoms, enable them to perform their public duties towards the State and society,
and encourage their contribution to the development of the nation.
The Law shall regulate the participation of Egyptians living abroad in elections and referendums
in a manner consistent with their particular circumstances, without being restricted by the
provisions of voting, counting of ballots and announcing of results, set forth in this Constitution.
This is without prejudice to providing guarantees to ensure the integrity and neutrality of the
election and referendum process.
Article (89)
All forms of slavery, oppression, forced exploitation of human beings, sex trade, and other forms
of human trafficking are prohibited and criminalized by Law.