Article (74)
All citizens shall have the right to form political parties by notification as regulated by Law. No
political activity may be practiced and no political parties may be formed on the basis of religion
or discrimination based on sex, or origin, or on sectarian basis or geographic location. No
activity that is hostile to democratic principles, secretive, or of military or quasi-military nature
may be practiced.
Political parties may not be dissolved except by virtue of a court judgment.
Article (75)
All citizens shall have the right to form non-governmental associations and foundations on
democratic basis, which shall acquire legal personality upon notification.
Such associations and foundations shall have the right to practice their activities freely, and
administrative agencies may not interfere in their affairs or dissolve them, or dissolve their
boards of directors or boards of trustees save by a court judgment.
The establishment or continuation of non-governmental associations and foundations, whose
statutes or activities are secretive or conducted in secret or which are of military or quasi-military
nature is prohibited as regulated by Law.
Article (76)
The establishment of syndicates and federations on democratic basis is a right guaranteed by
Law. Syndicates and federations shall acquire legal personality, shall have the right to practice
their activities freely, shall improve the level of efficiency among their members and defend their
rights and interests.
The State shall guarantee the independence of all syndicates and federations and their boards of
directors may only be dissolved by a court judgment.
No syndicate or federation may be established in the military or police agencies.
Article (77)
The Law shall regulate the establishment of professional syndicates and the administration
thereof on a democratic basis, shall guarantee their independence and shall specify their
resources and the manner of recording their members, and holding them accountable for their
conduct in practicing their professional activities according to the codes of ethics and
professional conduct.
No profession may have more than one syndicate for the regulation of its affairs. Receivership
may not be imposed on any syndicate. Administrative bodies may not interfere in the affairs

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