No. 53	 Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)	


(c) by inserting the following new definitions in their
proper alphabetical sequence—
"authorization" means the delegation of some or
all aspects of seed certification and seed testing
services by the	Inspectorate to a competent
private or public person;
"breeder" means the person who breeds, or
discovers and develops a seed or plant variety
and includes the employer of such a person;
"inspector" means a person appointed under
section 3B(1)(a);
"national variety list" means the list of all plant
varieties which are for the time being exploited
"plant examiner" means a suitably qualified
person appointed under section 3B;
"protective direction" means the provisional
protection given to applicants for rights while
pending actual grant of rights under paragraph 1
of the Third Schedule in regard to an application
for plant breeders' rights;
"seed analyst" means a suitably qualified person
appointed under section 3B;
"seed crop" means a crop grown for the
production of certified seed;
"seed field" means a field where registered seed
crop is grown;
"Service" means the Kenya Plant Health
Inspectorate Service established by the Kenya
L.N 305/1996	Plant Health Inspectorate Service Order, 1996 or
its successor;

Select target paragraph3