Turning development Challenges into Opportunities
Geostrategic position

❖ 4th in the African Region and 1st in the
ECOWAS Region - ITU Ranking.
❖ Economic freedom index - score 56.9 rank 116;
❖ Global competitivenss index - rank 111;
❖ National economy, registered a year-onyear growth of 4.7 percent;
❖ 3º Ranking mo. Ibrahim index 2018 Good Governance

Global Index
❖ Most Free Country in Africa - Freedom
House index.
❖ 2nd most democratic country in Africa Democracy index
❖ 3rd place transparency ranking in Africa Corruption perceptions index 2017- 2018.
Power by NOSi

Cape Verde2018 - 2019
❖ Political, economic and social stability will
prevail in Cape Verde in 2018 - 2019.
❖ Cape Verde Human Development Indicators
2018: Index - 0.654 - Rank- 125.

Budget target 2019:
❖ growth between 4.5 / 5.5%;
❖increased public investment by
around 36%;
❖ tax relief for companies, whose
rate goes from 25% to 22%;
❖Tax benefits increased by about
Produced by A. Handem - Praia 30.10.18

Select target paragraph3