The Freedom of Information Bill, 2012
Objects of the Act.

3.The objects of this act are_
(a) to give effect to the citizen’s right of access to information as
provided under Article 35 of the Constitution;
(b) to give effect to the citizen’s right of access to information_
held by or on behalf of public authorities, or to which public
authorities are entitled by law to have access, including
information relating to national security matters, subject only
to specific and limited exemptions necessary to prevent
identifiable harm to legitimate state interests or to the private
and business interests of persons whose information is
collected and held by public authorities;
(c) to require public bodies to proactively disclose information
that they hold and to provide information on request;
(d) to create a right of access to information held by private
bodies if those bodies are public contractors or if such bodies
hold information required for the exercise or protection of any
right protected by the Constitution and the laws of Kenya;
(e) to bar public authorities from imposing sanctions on
employees or members of the public for releasing information
of compelling public interest in good faith.



Select target paragraph3