
the document is stored for preservation or
safe custody by a public authority, being a
document which is a duplicate of a document
of the public authority.

Access to documents
otherwise than
under this Act

Nothing in this Act shall prevent a public authority from
publishing or giving access to a document, otherwise than as
required by this Act, where it has the discretion to do so or is
required under any Act to do so.

Request for access

(1) A person who wishes to obtain access to an official
document shall make a request in the form set out in the Schedule,
to the relevant public authority, for access to the document.
(2) A request under subsection (1) shall identify the
document or shall provide such information concerning the
document as is reasonably necessary to enable the public authority to
identify the document.
(3) A request under subsection (1) may specify which of the
methods of access under section 20 the applicant wishes to use.
(4) Subject to section 17, a request may be made for access
to all documents of a particular description that -

Transfer of request
for access


contain information of a specified kind; or


relate to a particular subject matter.

(1) Where a request is made to a public authority for access
to a document and the request has not been directed to the
appropriate public authority, the public authority to which the
request is made shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, transfer the
request to the appropriate public authority and inform the applicant
(2) Where a request is transferred to a public authority in
accordance with this section, it shall be deemed to be a request made
to that public authority and received on the date on which it was
originally lodged.

Duty to assist

(1) A public authority shall take reasonable steps to assist the
following persons to make a request in a manner which complies
with section 9 (a)

any person who wishes to make a request
under section 9(1); or

Select target paragraph3