matter that is provided for the use or guidance
of, or is used or may be used for, the purpose
of making decisions or recommendations, or
enforcing written laws or schemes, referred to
in section 22(1);
factual information;
the analysis, interpretation or evaluation of, or
any projection based on factual information;
a statistical survey;
a report by a valuator, whether or not the
valuator is an officer of the public
an environmental impact statement or similar
a report of a test carried out on a product for
the purpose of purchasing equipment for a
public authority or a consumer test report;
a report or study on the performance or
efficiency of a public authority, whether the
report or study is of a general nature or is in
respect of a particular programme or policy;
a feasibility or other technical study,
including a cost estimate, relating to a policy
or project of a public authority;
a report containing the results of field
research undertaken before the formulation of
a policy proposal;
a final plan or proposal to change a
programme of a public authority, or for the
establishment of a new progamme, including
a budgetary estimate for the programme,
whether or not the plan or proposal is subject
to approval, unless the plan or proposal is to
be submitted to Cabinet or a committee or
subcommittee of Cabinet;