such records and samples shall be made available for inspection by
officers of the Commission.
(2)	 Every registered person shall keep such books and make such periodic
returns as may be required and in the manner prescribed by the
(3) 	 Every person registered under these regulations to manufacture optical
discs shall, keep for a period of not less than twelve months from the
date of production:
(a) one sample of each optical disc title manufactured by it, and
(b) one copy in a retrievable form of the content of each
production part manufactured by it.

The Nigerian Copyright Commission may, after giving due notice,
require the application of Source Identification (SID) Codes or any other
prescribed anti-piracy device on every optical disc produced.


(1) Each registered person shall cause his registration certificate to be
displayed in a conspicuous location in each registered premises.
(2)	 Each registered person shall notify the Commission not later than thirty
(30) days after any change occurs in relation to any particulars set out in
the application for the registration or the registration certificate granted
him under these Regulations.
(3)	 Such notification shall be delivered to the Director General of the
Commission at the Head office inAbuja.


(1) Each registered person and its employees shall cooperate with Copyright
Inspectors carrying out an inspection of any registered premises by:
(a)	 providing and explaining any records the Copyright Inspector
wishes to inspect;
(b)	 pointing out and providing access to all optical disc moulds, signal,
processors and laser beam recorders and demonstrating to the
satisfaction of the Copyright Inspector that they have been adapted
to apply the appropriate manufacturer's code that may be prescribed
under these Regulations; and
(c)	 advising on the location of, and providing access to, all optical
discs, production parts, and manufacturing equipment, the import
or export of which requires an approval under these Regulations
whether such items are located on the registered premises or
(2)	 Each registered person shall provide Copyright Inspectors carrying out
an inspection with four (4) samples each of the discs moulded by each
mould that has been used or could be used by the registered person for the
manufacture of optical discs.
(3) During every inspection of registered premises under this Section, the
Copyright Inspector carrying out the inspection shall do such things as
he is empowered to do under Section 32A of the Copyright Act,
including to:


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of Change in

C. 28 Laws of
the Federation
of Nigeria

Select target paragraph3