Information to Be Kept in Records
Each registered person shall keep at least the following records and samples:
Relating to machinery and raw materials:
1. (a) Every purchase, lease, sale, disposal or other transaction relating to any
manufacturing equipment the import or export of which requires approval under
these Regulation, specifying the make, model and serial number of the equipment,
the manufacturer's code, if any, which the equipment has been adapted to apply, the
date and nature of each transaction, the name and address of the party with whom the
transaction was entered into, and, if the manufacturing equipment had at any stage
been imported or exported, the approval application receipt number in respect of
such import or export; and
(b) Every purchase, lease, sale, disposal or other transaction relating to any raw
material used in the manufacture of optical discs, the import or export of which
requires approval under these Regulations, specifying the make, the product code or
name, the date of each transaction, the name and address of the party with whom the
transaction was entered into.



Relating to each order received for the manufacture of optical discs or production
(a) Acopy of the order in writing.
(b)	 The name and physical address of the customer. In case the order is placed by
an intermediary, the registered person must obtain the name and physical
address of the actual customer who originated the order.
(c)	 The job number(s) assigned by the registered person to the order.
(d)	 A full description of the content of the optical disc or production part that has
been ordered, specifying:
(i)	 in the case of audio content, the title of the disc, the names of the featured
recording artists and the title of each work recorded;
(ii) in the case of computer or entertainment software, the name of the software
program and the name of the software publisher;
(iii) in the case of audiovisual content, the title of each audiovisual work; and
(iv) in the case of other works, such as literary or other multimedia works, the title
of the work and the name of the publisher.
The date the order was fulfilled and the quantity of optical discs or production parts
supplied in respect of each title.
The address to which the optical discs or production parts were consigned, together
with copies of all shipping documents.
Whether the optical discs or production parts were exported, and if so, the approval
application receipt number in respect of such export, unless this is not reasonably
obtainable by the registered person.
Copies of all invoices and details of the customer's method of payment, including
bank or credit card details where applicable.
Copies of all evidence supplied by the customer to show that it is authorized to
reproduce any trademarks, or any material protected by copyright or neighbouring
rights embodied on the optical discs or production parts ordered.



Select target paragraph3