4.1. Overall importance
Experience accumulated over time has demonstrated the cross-cutting importance and
advantages of intellectual property. In particular:

It stimulates creativity and innovation, by rewarding the work done by creators and
innovators and safeguarding the intellectual property rights they have acquired;


It promotes an appreciation of technical and scientific knowledge through its use in
achieving the goals of national development;


It attracts foreign investment through an effective legal system for the protection of
intellectual property rights;


It promotes the resolution of the local problems of communities through solutions
provided by creators and researchers;


It stimulates research and innovation based on the concrete reality of the country;


It makes the country more attractive to researchers, preventing a brain drain and
producing a "brain gain";


It facilitates access to technological information and to the transfer and dissemination of


It facilitates the transfer and application of the knowledge produced in the universities
and research institutes to industry and other major sectors;


It generates income for the universities, research institutes and enterprises that produce


It protects investment in scientific research;


It prevents the usurpation and illegitimate use of knowledge;


It combats practices constituting unfair competition;


It adds value to domestic products;


It safeguards and preserves local knowledge, cultural expressions and folklore;


It reinvigorates the cultural industry;


It shows appreciation for the work produced by artists and rewards their efforts;


It reassures, protects, promotes and benefits communities in the exploitation of traditional

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