26 No. 3

Electronic and Postal Communications


Terms and
conditions of
an individual

17. An individual licence shall include terms and conditions
set by the Authority including quality of service, licensed area,
interconnection, consumer protection, universal service obligation,
shareholding structure and roll out plan.

for network

18.(1) A licensee holding individual licence shall be obliged
to provide network services, or ensure that a third party provides
essential applications services twenty-four hours a day or seven
days a week, at a level of quality as set by the Authority in all areas
without discrimination and shall include
(a) emergency service numbers;
(b) directory assistance service, enabling any subscriber
to obtain a telephone number through the assistance
of an operator or through automated means;
operator assistance service, enabling any subscriber
to obtain assistance regarding, amongst other things,
accessing services, setting up calls and remedying
faults; and

such other applications services as may be
reasonably determined by the Authority from time to

(2) The essential applications services shall be provided in
accordance with the terms and conditions of a class licence granted
under this Act.
(3) A licensee of a network service shall provide the
following essential and emergency services free-of-charge (a) emergency service;
(b) operator assistance for remedying faults,
(c) customer assistance;
(d) crime stoppers;
(e) child help line;
(f) health help line;
(g) anti-corruption services;
(h) fire services;

Select target paragraph3