20 No. 3

Electronic and Postal Communications


“virtual co-location” means a type of co-location where the party
controlling the building, tower or other structure in or on
which another party’s switches, antennas or other electronic
communications equipment are accommodated, operates
those switches, antennas or other electronic communications
equipment on behalf of the other party;
"user'' means any person or body of persons who uses or operates a
radio communication channel or frequency or runs
telecommunication systems or services;
“white list” means any unique pairs of subscriber number and IMEI
number as captured by a licensee of electronic
communication service where IMEI is not in the black list.
(a) Licensing
Power to
issue licence
and regulate
communication systems

4. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Authority
shall have the power of licensing and regulating electronic
communication systems and services in the United Republic.
(2) The power conferred on the Authority under sub-section (1)
shall (a) include the right to issue licence and to regulate the
establishment, installation, use, working, maintenance,
development, construction, promotion, hiring and
selling of electronic communication systems and
services; and
(b) extend to every vessel or aircraft registered in the
United Republic and to every other vessel, aircraft and
any vehicle, whether mechanically propelled or not, in
the United Republic.
(3) The power conferred under this section shall not be
infringed by -

Select target paragraph3