network solutions shall comply with the Environmental Impact Assessment
9.3 Build, Operate and Maintain
Implementation of the telecommunications networks involves many phases
such as network design, build, operate and maintenance. Problems
encountered in the deployment of networks tend to cascade from one phase
to another because there are dependencies spanning from the design to
maintenance phases. It is therefore recommended that one service provider
shall be responsible for building, operating and maintaining the infrastructure
in each identified rural licensing area. This will ensure that there is a single
organisation ultimately responsible for all issues, regardless of where they
originate. Having one point of responsibility is critical to ensure the service
provider is accountable for the ultimate quality of the service delivery.
Combining the three responsibilities reduces the turn around time for the
development of knowledge and capacity required for implementation,
operations and maintenance of the network. It is difficult for an organisation to
operate a network they were not involved in during the building phase as
there are left over issues that are typically not easy to resolve and the level of
knowledge is usually not adequate. It can further jeopardize the opportunity
for successful implementation of the rural program. That is why it is
advocated for one operator to build, operate and maintain.
9.4 Botswana Registered Companies
In line with the current directives and future government citizen empowerment
policies, every opportunity must be given to encourage the use of local
resources in the implementation of the rural program. Botswana registered
and citizen owned companies shall be given preference to the maximum
extent possible consistent with the safety, efficiency and economics of the
network operations. The employment and provision of training opportunities
for Batswana shall be recognized and given priority in the selection of the
potential service provider.
9.5 Ownership
In the event that the government contribute towards funding to build the
networks in the rural areas, the government shall co-own the assets involved.
Government ownership also ensures that, if necessary, the operator can be
replaced with the least amount of impact.
Rural Telecommunications Strategy
26 October 2006