(b) that the material resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best
as possible to serve the common good;
(c) that the economic system is not operated in such a manner as to permit the
concentration of wealth or the means of production and exchange in the hands of
few individuals or of a group; and
(d) that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable
national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment,
sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are provided for all citizens.
(3) A body shall be set up by an Act of the National Assembly which shall have power;
(a) to review, from time to time, the ownership and control of business
enterprises operating in Nigeria and make recommendations to the President on
same; and
(b) to administer any law for the regulation of the ownership and control of such
(4) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section (a) the reference to the "major sectors of the economy" shall be construed as a
reference to such economic activities as may, from time to time, be declared by a
resolution of each House of the National Assembly to be managed and operated
exclusively by the Government of the Federation, and until a resolution to the
contrary is made by the National Assembly, economic activities being operated
exclusively by the Government of the Federation on the date immediately
preceding the day when this section comes into force, whether directly or
through the agencies of a statutory or other corporation or company, shall be
deemed to be major sectors of the economy;
(b) "economic activities" includes activities directly concerned with the
production, distribution and exchange of weather or of goods and services; and
(c) "participate" includes the rendering of services and supplying of goods.
17. (1) The State social order is founded on ideals of Freedom, Equality and Justice.
(2) In furtherance of the social order(a) every citizen shall have equality of rights, obligations and opportunities
before the law;
(b) the sanctity of the human person shall be recognised and human dignity shall
be maintained and enhanced;
(c) governmental actions shall be humane;
(d) exploitation of human or natural resources in any form whatsoever for
reasons, other than the good of the community, shall be prevented; and
(e) the independence, impartiality and integrity of courts of law, and easy
accessibility thereto shall be secured and maintained.
(3) The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring that(a) all citizens, without discrimination on any group whatsoever, have the
opportunity for securing adequate means of livelihood as well as adequate
opportunity to secure suitable employment;
(b) conditions of work are just and humane, and that there are adequate facilities
for leisure and for social, religious and cultural life;
(c) the health, safety and welfare of all persons in employment are safeguarded
and not endangered or abused;

Select target paragraph3