(3) A bill for a Law of a House of Assembly for the purpose of creating a new local government
area shall only be passed if (a) a request supported by at least two-thirds majority of members (representing
the area demanding the creation of the new local government area) in each of the
following, namely (i) the House of Assembly in respect of the area, and
(ii) the local government councils in respect of the area,
is received by the House of Assembly;
(b) a proposal for the creation of the local government area is thereafter
approved in a referendum by at least two-thirds majority of the people of the
local government area where the demand for the proposed local government area
(c) the result of the referendum is then approved by a simple majority of the
members in each local government council in a majority of all the local
government councils in the State; and
(d) the result of the referendum is approved by a resolution passed by two-thirds
majority of members of the House of Assembly.
(4) A bill for a Law of House of Assembly for the purpose of boundary adjustment of any existing
local government area shall only be passed if(a) a request for the boundary adjustment is supported by two-thirds majority of
members (representing the area demanding and the area affected by the
boundary adjustment) in each of the following, namely (i) the House of Assembly in respect of the area, and
(ii) the local government council in respect of the area,
is received by the House of Assembly; and
(b) a proposal for the boundary adjustment is approved by a simple majority of
members of the House of Assembly in respect of the area concerned.
(5) An Act of the National Assembly passed in accordance with this section shall make
consequential provisions with respect to the names and headquarters of State or Local government
areas as provided in section 3 of this Constitution and in Parts I and II of the First Schedule to this
(6) For the purpose of enabling the National Assembly to exercise the powers conferred upon it by
subsection (5) of this section, each House of Assembly shall, after the creation of more local
government areas pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, make adequate returns to each House
of the National Assembly
9. (1) The National Assembly may, subject to the provision of this section, alter any of the provisions of this
(2) An Act of the National Assembly for the alteration of this Constitution, not being an Act to
which section 8 of this Constitution applies, shall not be passed in either House of the National
Assembly unless the proposal is supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds majority of all
the members of that House and approved by resolution of the Houses of Assembly of not less than
two-thirds of all the States.
(3) An Act of the National Assembly for the purpose of altering the provisions of this section,
section 8 or Chapter IV of this Constitution shall not be passed by either House of the National
Assembly unless the proposal is approved by the votes of not less than four-fifths majority of all
the members of each House, and also approved by resolution of the House of Assembly of not less
than two-third of all States.

Select target paragraph3