10. Payment of penalty
(1) Any penalty imposed by the Commission pursuant to the Act or Regulations
shall become due and payable by the contravening person within fourteen days
from the date of receipt of the notification in that regard by the Commission to the
contravening person.
(2) The Commission may in addition to the penalty impose any other enforcement
sanctions under the Act or Regulations on a licensee.
11. Appointment of Inspectors.
(1) The Commission may appoint inspectors for the purposes of verifying
compliance with the provisions of the Act and Regulations.
(2) The Commission shall issue all inspectors appointed under these Regulations
with identity cards which shall be produced by the inspectors at the request of any
person in charge of any place that is to be inspected.
(3) An inspector may at all reasonable times enter into any premises owned or
controlled by a licensee in which the inspector has reasonable grounds to believe
that has any document, information, or apparatus relevant for ensuring compliance
with the Act or these Regulations and to examine such document, information or
apparatus or remove the document, information or apparatus for examination or
reproduction as the case may be.
(4) Where an inspector has reason to believe that there is any communication
equipment or interference causing apparatus, he may examine such equipment,
apparatus, logs, books, reports, data, records, documents or other papers and
remove such information, document, apparatus, or equipment for examination or
(5) An inspector shall record and sign for any information, document, article,
apparatus or equipment removed by him or her and shall leave a copy of the
document recording that removal.
(6) For the purpose of exercising, performing and discharging the powers,
functions or duties of the Commission under the Act or these Regulations an
inspector, may by notice in writing require any person to(a) furnish him or her within such time and at such place as may be specified in the
notice, any document specified or described in the notice which is in the custody or

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